It's here!
The Officials Clinic.
We are excited to announce that we will be running an Officials Clinic this September.
If you are a Referee or Table Official in Norfolk, whether newly qualified or not, we would like to invite you to come along to The Officials Clinic.
This event has been set up to support all of our officials in Norfolk, giving you all the chance to ask questions and grow your confidence by using the support of your peers.
The important stuff:
Where: UEA Sportspark, University Drive, Norwich, NR4 7TJ
When: 15th September 2018, 1pm - 4pm
Who: Referees, Table Officials and Players
Costs: Only Players will need to pay £5 per person (this will be payable on the day). The Clinic is free to all Officials.
The day will go as follows:
1pm - 2pm: Officials Only!
This is your chance, as an official, to ask plenty of questions regarding new rules, ask for advice from your peers, speak about any concerns you may have and receive mentoring from highly qualified and knowledgable officials.
2pm - 4pm: Put it into practice.
For the last 2 hours of The Officials Clinic, we will invite players to play, so you can put your new skills into practice. Without the pressure of a league game, you can grow as an official in just a couple of hourse, with our mentors by your side and encouragement from the team.
What will you need to bring?:
If you're a Referee:
- Bring a whistle!
- Wear suitable clothing (ideally a Referee shirt, with black trousers and suitable trainers).
- Prepare any questions you may have before you arrive to make the most out of your time.
If you're a Table Official:
- Wear suitable clothing (ideally a Table Official shirt, with black trousers and suitable shoes).
If you're a Player:
- Bring £5! The 2 hour session is £5 per person.
- Wear suitable clothing (usual playing attire).
- The 2 hour session will be open to all players, this includes all sexes and ages.
How do I register?
To get involved, please contact us with your interest.
You can email us:
Or you can message us on Facebook: @NorfolkBasketballAssociation
*All we need to know, is your name, age and basketball qualification(s)